Agitation in Alzheimer's Study

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Do you or someone you know provide support to a person with Alzheimer's and are experiencing agitation or aggression?

Researchers at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Tufts Medical Center in Boston, and McLean Hospital in Boston, are investigating the use of a drug to treat agitation and aggression in people with Alzheimer’s disease (Agit-AD). The study drug is called dronabinol (Marinol) and has been FDA-approved for treating poor appetite and failure to thrive at the end of life, but in recent years researchers have been finding it useful for agitation in Alzheimer's.

Participation involves:
- initial testing, including a blood draw and EKG
- 5 clinic visits over the course of 3 weeks, with the option to complete some of visits remotely

You may be eligible if:

- You are between the ages of 60-95 years old
- Have a diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease or probable AD
- Have symptoms of agitation (including wandering or fidgeting, verbal and physical aggression, repetitive behavior, etc.)
- Have a study buddy who can attend all study visits with you
- Speak and understand English or Spanish
- Willing to travel to Boston or Baltimore for clinic visits

You may not be eligible if:
- You are currently taking lithium
- You are unable to swallow a pill

Not sure if you are ready to participate?

Call (800) 679-2817 or use the calendar below to schedule a 15-minute call with our Lead Aging Research Navigator.